With the increasing demand for medical oxygen at Goroka Hospital, access to a sufficient supply is critical especially for patients suffering from symptoms of COVID-19.

Thanks to partnership between Obura-Wonenara District Development Authority and Manolos Aviation Ltd, a mercy dash on Friday (Oct. 01) saw Manolos airlifting nine 70kg medical oxygen cylinders from Lae to Goroka Hospital in Eastern Highlands.

Sources from the hospital confirmed the need for oxygen supply, via their social media pages, and an SOS was relayed to Manolos. Coupled with the delay in the supply and transport of oxygen to Goroka Hospital, it is believed that up to four Covid-19 patients share one oxygen cylinder at that time.

Obura-Wonenara MP Mehrra Kipefa and Manolos CEO Jurgen Ruh both saw the need of supplying the hospital thus the quick delivery.
Ruh later on Saturday (Oct.02nd) was acknowledged for the quick response to the SOS, as he was told the oxy saved 5 lives through the night, as they await the oxy supply from Lae that reached the hospital in the morning, via road.
In it's bid to support Goroka Hospital during the Covid-19 surge, Manolos did three other oxy flights to Goroka Hospital, two on Sunday (Oct. 03rd) and one again on Monday (Oct.04th). Oxy cylinders were also supplied by the Area Medical Store in Lae for the hospital.